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Eine Kerze für Stephan
Gestorben am 09.10.2014
wurde von Mama eine Kerze entzündet.
I came across a picture
of YOU and I today.
The tears just started falling
but I couldn't turn away.
I closed my eyes and I was there,
that day so long ago...
I saw your eyes still shining bright
alive and so aglow.
I'd swear I heard your laughter
as I gazed upon your face;
that golden and contagious sound
that nothing can replace.
It brought back such sweet memories
of how life used to be.
Each picture's now a time machine
...that brings YOU back to me.
-kp (c)2013
♥️Stephan,my heart♥️
YOU were my LUCK❤
YOU are my heart❤my soul❤
my LOVE❤
my precious child❤
❤F O R E V E R❤