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Eine Kerze für Stephan
Gestorben am 09.10.2014
wurde von Mama eine Kerze entzündet.
Mother & Son♥
By E.Warby
Mother and Son
I would give my life to have you back, said his Mum
I know you would, said her Son
I cry each night for you, said his Mum
And I catch all of your tears, said her Son
I pray for the day that I can see you again,
said his Mum
Close your eyes and you can see me, said her Son ....
You are the first person who loved me, and you are the first person I loved.
You were always there when I needed you, and you always knew when I needed a hug
I am here for you now, Mum IN YOUR HEART AND IN YOUR SOUL
I did not take your heart with me
Instead I left mine with you to hold
One day I will take your hand
and lead you to paradise, but until then my beautiful mother,
when you want to see me YOU ONLY NEED TO CLOSE YOUR EYES ......