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Eine Kerze für Stephan
Gestorben am 09.10.2014
wurde von Mama eine Kerze entzündet.
♥♥♥I LOVE YOU♥♥♥
Candles flame in darkness,
flicker, steadily glow,
bringing light from shadows
and help to soothe us so.
Our loved ones, like the candles,
gave our lives true light.
We use the candle's beacons
to connect us in the night.
As we lit the candles,
our wish and our request
was that they'd see our signals
and know our love's expressed.
As their lights joins our lights,
our worlds touch and flame ....
Now we'll blow out the candles,
then softly say their names....
~written by Genesse Bourdeau Gentry,
from her collection of poetry, Stars in the Deepest Night - After the Death of a Child