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Eine Kerze für Stephan
Gestorben am 09.10.2014
wurde von Mama eine Kerze entzündet.
I think about you all the time
And see your face so clear
It's as if no time has passed
Since you were standing here
Your laughter echoes in my mind
Your smile still lights my way
I feel you watching over me
Each night and every day
Still, I miss the talks we had
(Though I still talk to you)
I wish that I could hear your voice
And hug you closely too
The years we spent together
Were so precious and too few
My heart nows aches with longing
For more time to spend with you
One day I'll get to hold you close
As we join hands above
We'll walk together in the light
Of Heaven's perfect love
So while you wait in heaven
And you're watching over me
Know you live within my heart
And will eternally
kp. 2013