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Eine Kerze für Stephan
Gestorben am 09.10.2014
wurde von Mama eine Kerze entzündet.
♥my sweetheart♥
my handsome boy♥, my sunshine♥
I MISS YOU ....... like crazy
my heart belongs to YOU forever
Lonely Heart
Lonely heart what will we do
Now that you are broken in two
Lonely heart what can I say
How can I take your pain away
Lonely heart I know it's bad
I know you are lost, I know you are sad
Lonely heart don't dwell on sorrow
Things just might get better tomorrow
Lonely heart you need some time
You need to grieve, it's not a crime
Lonely heart together we will get through
I am always there for you
Lonely heart in time you will heal
And ease the hurt and pain you feel
Lonely heart it's true you see
Cause the lonely heart belongs to me.
By John F. Connor