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Eine Kerze für Stephan
Gestorben am 09.10.2014
wurde von Mama eine Kerze entzündet.
I send you butterfly kisses
You don’t always know I’m there
But it’s me peaking ’round the corner
Or touching a strand of your hair.
I see you on days you are crying
or wishing we could talk once in a while
Even though I’m now in heaven
I still want to see you smile.
I visit you at night when you’re sleeping
I come quietly into your dreams
And whisper words ever so softly
To say death is not what it seems.
I see you sometimes at the table
When you don’t know that I am there
as you gaze over at my picture
I hope you know how much I care.
I’m sending a hug from heaven
I wish you could feel it today
The love that we share is forever
Time and space can’t take it away.
~Author unknown~