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Eine Kerze für Stephan
Gestorben am 09.10.2014
wurde von Mama eine Kerze entzündet.
My one and only ♡
There Is A Hole – by Toni Kane –
There is a hole deep in my heart
that nothing here could cure.
No medicine or pills could heal,
this pain I feel, I’m sure
No worldly things of gifts and gold
could fill a gash so steep
No soothing words, nor passing years
could heal a hole so deep.
Don't say it will get better
don't tell me time will heal
You may have good intentions
But you "don't know how I feel".
Don't say they're in a better place
when there's no better place to be
Than back here in my loving arms
Right here next to me.
All I have left are memories
Of great times,that I recall
And a giant hole, deep in my heart
and some pictures on the wall