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Eine Kerze für Stephan
Gestorben am 09.10.2014
wurde von Mama eine Kerze entzündet.
I miss you every second of my life
When you lose the
one you love
You think your world
has ended
You think your world
will be a waste of life
Without them in it
You feel there's no
way to go on
Life is just a sad, sad
But love is bigger
than us all
The end is not the end
at all
It's n o t somethin' you
get over
But it's somethin' you
get through
It's not ours to be
It's just a thing we get
to do
Life goes on and on
And when it's gone
It lives in someone
It's not somethin' you
get over
But it's somethin' you
get through
It's not somethin' you get over
But it's somethin' you get through
It's not ours to be taken
It's just a thing we get to do
Life goes on and on
And when it's gone
It lives in someone new
It's not somethin' you get over
But it's somethin' you get through
It's not somethin' you get over
But it's somethin' you get through
By Willie Nelson