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Eine Kerze für Fussel
Gestorben am 02.09.2008
wurde von Anette Hilberink eine Kerze entzündet.
I love you so much but now you're gone
I close my eyes, tears rolling straight to the floor,
All I wanted was to feel something more, I was torn inside,
That was all I felt on the day that you're died,
I wished I were dreaming & you're there with me.
I'll love you even though your dead
I know I never see you again on earth,
All I can do is wonder why it was you and not me...
I miss you so much I can't believe that you're gone.
God and His Angels called you away.
I can never say goodbye to you, Instead I say I love you, you're in my heart...until we meet again behind the rainbow in heaven my sweet little Angel.
And this one who has killed you may burn in the hell...