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Eine Kerze für Filiz Alma
Gestorben am 17.12.2009
wurde von eine Kerze entzündet.
Let no tears fall or sorrow prevail
When you see your reflection shimmer in the water
Smile and know that I see your smile
When you feel the cool grass beneath your feet...
And the suns warmth upon your back
Know that I feel it also
When you hear the leaves rustling in the wind
Know it is my voice softly whispering to you
When you see a butterfly dancing among flowers
Know that I am dancing also
When you gently touch a puppys soft fur
Know that I too feel your touch
When the wind swirls across your skin
Know that it is I who caresses you
When you love another
Know that I too feel your love
These words are truth, my love
Have faith, my love
As long as beauty lives upon the earth and in the stars
And love lives in every beat of every heart
So then do I
So then do we all.
Zeit heilt Wunden, aber Dein Verlust ist keine Wunde die geheilt werden kann. Der liebe Gott hat seinen schönsten Engel wieder. Und ich eine leere für immer.